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  • Identify the heritage of health and healing in faith based communities. Use multiple resources to collaborate community nursing with faith based nursing.
  • discuss at least three benefits of community nurses forming partnerships with parish nurses and faith based communities;
  • discuss a nurse’s role as parish nurse in faith communities for health promotion and disease prevention;
  • analyze how communities of faith may include Healthy People 2020 guidelines in program planning; and to consider legal, ethical, or financial issues related to parish nursing.
  • Analyze and describe the heritage of health and healing in faith communities.
  • Analyze and describe at least three benefits of community nurses forming partnerships with parish nurses and faith based communities.
  • Analyze and explain a nurse’s role as parish nurse in faith communities for health promotion and disease prevention.
  • Identify and explain how communities of faith may include Healthy People 2020 guidelines in program planning.
  • Identify and describe at least two legal, ethical, or financial issues related to parish nursing.

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