FINAL PROJECT (PART 1): Culture Analysis Paper

You will be asked to analyze an organizational culture. This could be the organization you work with, or it could be some other organization to which you have access. Remember that clubs, associations, and churches can be considered organizations.

Research (data gathering) should include (but does not need to be limited to) mainly primary sources.

Primary data is the data collected by the researcher themselves, i.e.

  1. interview
  2. observation
  3. action research
  4. case studies
  5. life histories
  6. questionnaires
  7. ethnographic research

Secondary sources are data that already exists

  1. Previous research
  2. Official statistics
  3. Mass media products
  4. Diaries
  5. Letters
  6. Government reports
  7. Web information
  8. Historical data and information

Collect your data and analyze it. Describe how you collected the data (observation, interviews, surveys).

Then, analyze the organizational culture along three dimensions: artifacts, values, and underlying assumptions. Give examples of behavior, speech, or symbols that illustrate your findings. This is a Power Point (PPt. slides) should be 7 slide minimum – 9 SLIDE maximum in length. Any data used (interviews, surveys, websites, etc.) should be attached as appendices.

  • Use a FONT compatible with PPt. slides or other presentation application
  • Creativity is encouraged for presentation purposes (Y-tube, games, etc.)
  • Use a correctly formatted cover page for your PPt.
  • List your sources as a separate Reference page at the end

This PPt. assignment counts for 25% of your course grade


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