Review the learning goals you set for yourself in the discussion board assignment. Why did you choose those goals and how will you ensure you meet them? Which modules of the course align with your learning goals?
Next, review the modules in the course. Choose two modules that interest you the most and two modules that interest you the least. Discuss why you choose those modules and how you might find some point in each module that would benefit your professional practice.
Combine both sections into one APA formatted essay of 1000 to 1500 words.
Module 1 Discussion includes:
•“Provide 1 concrete example of how at least 1 of the Modules 1-10 for this course relates directly to your current practice.” (Review Modules 1-10. You will find them listed in the Syllabus. For example: Maybe in your professional role you are a leader or a teacher and so you correlate Module 4: The Nurse as a Leader, Teacher, and Healthcare Promoter to this aspect of your job. Choose ONE of the 10 topics/modules to correlate to your job. Explain how it is correlated.)
•“Discuss 3 learning goals you set for yourself for this course.” Learning goals are your personal goals you want to accomplish in this course. List 3 and discuss.
REMEMBER: Discussions are a written conversation between you and your classmates. APA format is not necessary for the discussions because it is a conversation instead of a paper. Having said that, you ALWAYS need to write with proper grammar, punctuation and correct spelling! And if you have a reference – that needs to be cited and referenced at the bottom in correct APA!
Always make sure posts meet the requirements; especially the word requirement – students lose points here often and it is an easy fix – just add a few more words Initial post is due by Thurs at midnight! Then REPLY to 2 classmates by Monday at midnight.
WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT (Professional Development Assignment) Second part for this week – click Module 1 Assignment (this assignment is typed in a Word document and is uploaded in the Module 1: Assignment Upload)
Two parts to this paper! Combine both sections into one APA formatted essay of 1000 words or approximately 3 pages – stay as close to the word requirement as possible!! PLEASE NOTE: You do not need to utilize any sources to complete this FIRST assignment. So a reference page is not necessary. It does not need to be formal either – just answer the questions posed.
Part 1: Review the THREE learning/personal goals you set for yourself in the discussion board assignment and answer the questions below for EACH goal.
•Why did you choose this goal?
•How will you ensure you meet the goal?
•Which module(s) of the course align with your goals?
Part 2: Review the Modules (Modules 1-10 in the Syllabus again!) in the course.
•Choose two Modules that interest you the most. ◦List and discuss why you find them interesting
◦Discuss how you might find some point in the modules you choose that would benefit your professional practice.
•Choose two Modules that interest you the least. ◦List and discuss why you find them least interesting.
◦Discuss how you might find some point in the modules you choose that would benefit your professional practice.
Review the modules for this course as outlined in the course syllabus. Provide one concrete example of how at least one module relates directly to your current practice. Then, discuss at least three learning goals you have set for yourself for this course.
Your initial posting should be 250 to 350 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please reply to at least two classmates. Replies to classmates should be between 150 and 200 words in length. To properly “thread” your discussion posting, please click on REPLY.
When you are ready for the discussion, do the following:
1. Click on the title of this discussion (Module One: Discussion) and you will be taken to the discussion page
2. Start a new thread with the title of your post.
Module 1 get started
Module 2 Nursing as a Profession
Module 3 Legal and Ethical issues
Module 4: The Nurse as a leader, Teacher, and Healthcare Promoter.
Module 5:EBP, Quality and Safety Standards and Politics.
Modules 6: Teamwork, Communication, Change and Informatics
Modules 7: Holistic, Cultural, and Spiritual Nursing
Modules 8: Global Health and Violence
Module 9 Advance Nursing Roles, Continuing Education and the future of Nursing
Module 10: Self Reflection