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Explain the principles on which the Conversational Framework is based and how these can be used to guide program development for in-service nursing education.

Details of task:

Teaching and learning frameworks provide a structure on which to develop and implement a curriculum. The framework used must align with the learning theories on which the curriculum is based.

The Conversational Framework provides a structured approach to curriculum development and implementation that is underpinned by the teaching and learning theories that support active learning in professional education programs.

In this assignment you need to:

? Discuss the theories of learning that underpin the Conversational Framework.

? Explain the principles on which the Conversational Framework is based and how these can be used to guide program

development for in-service nursing education.

? Apply these principles to the curriculum development process for the education program you are developing

? Justify the use of a Conversational Framework related to your learner cohort characteristics, clinical learning environment, mode of

course offering and education program.


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