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For the memo, you should imagine that you are a state or city government policy advisor.  Your governor or city mayor needs your boss to brief them on a critical problem facing your community

Policy Memo Topic Proposal

No due date was set by the instructor.

Assignment Details

Open Date Apr 2, 2018 10:52 AM
Graded? No
Resubmissions Allowed? No
Assignment Instructions

Instead of a final exam, this course has a policy memo due in Week 8.  I want to help shape your work and scope your research.  Please submit a short (no more than 250 word) summary of your policy memo topic during Week 4 of class.  

For the memo, you should imagine that you are a state or city government policy advisor.  Your governor or city mayor needs your boss to brief them on a critical problem facing your community.  You need to develop a memo that will help your boss “get smart” on the problem and come up with some potential solutions.  It is important to select a topic that is very specific.  As an example, selecting “education reform” is too general.  However, looking at whether your community should expand charter schools or accept new testing standards is better scoped.  This specificity will help with your research too.

The full memo requirements are under the Assignments Tab along with a memo template plus the grading rubric to the assignment.  


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