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How is karyotyping related to meiosis?

Part I:

Look at the earlobes of twenty (20) unrelated individuals. Count how many of them have “free” earlobes and how many have “attached” earlobes. In the picture below, the earlobe on the right is “free” and the earlobe on the left is “attached”.

Record the number of people who can and the number of people who free and attached earlobes and answer the following questions:

What is the ratioof the number of individuals with free earlobes to the number of attached earlobes.
What can you conclude from this ratioabout the probabilities of trait of free earlobes appearing in the human population? Focus your discussion on the ratio of free to attached earlobes and what it might tell you about how the trait is inherited. (Do NOT discuss the value or effect of attached versus free earlobes).
Why is it important that the individuals in the survey were unrelated? How would a sample of related individuals affect the results?
Part II:

Complete the online Karyotyping Activity at:

List the karyotype notation and diagnosis for Patients A, B and C.
Then answer the following questions.

How is karyotyping related to meiosis? Which set of chromosomes appears to be most commonly involved in nondisjunction? What types of genetic abnormalities would not be able to be identified via karyotyping?
Search the Internet for genetic abnormality other than those that you identified above for Patients A, B and Cthat could be identified through karyotyping. Identify the website and briefly report on the abnormality such as its rate of occurrence, effects and any potential treatments. Make sure to use your own words and provide correct citations.


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