At least 800 words in length
must have title
must use proper citations, using MLA or Chicago style
must have Works Cited page
Use appropriate language. This means formal, academic language and not colloquial language. Also, avoid sexist language.

**Please pay attention to the following when writing your paper:

A goodintroductory paragraph introduces the paper, not the history of philosophy. Don’t start too broadly.
Let the reader know yourthesis in your first paragraph. A thesis is a statement that takes a certain position regarding the texts in question and can be defended throughout the essay.
Each paragraph should discussone idea. There should be a clear topic sentenceoutlining that idea.
Be sure tocite all direct and indirect quotes (paraphrases of the texts).
Useevidence from the texts to back up each of your claims.
Do not summarize the text;analyze
Finish with aconclusion, in which you rearticulate your thesis. The conclusion is the “so what?” section, in which you can tell the reader why your argument is important.

Helpful Websites:

For help with citations and many other paper issues, visit the Purdue Online Writing Lab. They have instructions on how to use MLA and Chicago style, both of which are acceptable for this paper.
If you are unfamiliar with the disciplinary convention to use non-sexist language, visit the American Philosophical Association’s webpage and its Guidelines for Non-Sexist Use of Language. Scroll down to the bottom to read a summary of these guidelines.

Paper Topics:

Beauvoir famously writes, “One is not born but rather becomes a woman.” Young also takes up this question. What does it mean to claim that biology is not destiny? How does Young challenge the idea that biology is destiny? Do you find her argument compelling? Why or why not?
In the “Introduction to the Second Sex,” Beauvoir criticizes the notion of the “eternal feminine.” In what ways does Young build upon Beauvoir’s discussion of femininity? What is femininity, according to each author?
What do the various modes of feminine bodily comportment that Young discusses share in common? Where does Young locate their source? Do you find her argument compelling? Why or why not?
What conclusions does Young draw from her observations of differences between male and female bodily comportment? In what ways is her project feminist?
Is Young correct in her assessment of feminine bodily comportment? If so, what should we do? If not, why not?

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